There are four main strategies to save money with coupons. You have to master these key concepts before you will be able to save hundreds of dollars on your groceries and other purchases.
1. Make store flyers your best friends. Store flyers lists all the promotions, sales, and special deals. Study the flyers well and stock up on the discount items only.
2. Take the time to learn about the stores' coupons policy. You can simply go to the customer service area and request about their coupon policy. Be friendly to the stores' staff, they know the schedules of when other perishable items are being marked down.
3. Learn to use coupons the right way. Simply using coupons on items you buy won't save you much. That's why I heard a lot of people telling me that it is cheaper to buy generic items than name brands with coupons. The smart and correct way to use coupons is to combine the sale items with the coupons. With this strategy, sometimes you will even get your items for free. By following this rule, I have been getting quite a few free items. Who says there is not such thing as a free lunch.
4. Learn to get coupons on the items that you are going to purchase. Besides newspaper, you can also find a lot of high value coupons on the internet. This is where I come in to help you out. On my site, you are going to find a lot of useful coupons to help you save even more on your groceries and other purchases.