My husband asked for a divorce recently. It felt like someone dropped a bomb on me. I was in complete shock. My body wouldn't stop shaking while he was giving me the "Death Sentence". 

It has been two miserable weeks, I don't even know how I get up in the morning to drop my son off at the bus stop, nor how I manage to tell my son everything will be okay when I feel like there is no tomorrow. I am at the lowest point in my life. I can't believe this is happening to me ...

I don't know why I am sharing this tragedy with you. I started this blog as a stay-at-home mom who enjoys sharing my found deals and sharing my passion for saving money. But now it has turned into my sole survival tool to sustain myself and my son. 

I have always dreamed of being a loving, caring and responsible mother. Now, I am terrified that I won't be as available to my son when he needs me because I have to earn a living. I want to be there for him when he comes home from school. I want to be there doing home-schooling with him during his off track times of the school year. All these wants just seem so far fetched now...

I keep telling myself there must be a way, maybe only if this blog could be fruitful enough to draw a little income for us. In that case, I might only need a part time job to make ends meet. In order to get more traffic to the blog and make it a bit more successful, I am pleading for your help as one of my readers to spread the word out about my blog.